(Salvia Divinorum, Ska Pastora, Sage)
TrippyWiki score: 6.2/10

What is Salvia Divinorum?
Salvia Divinorum is one of the most intense drugs in the world. Even though this drug is classified as a psychedelic, it is not like any other psychedelic. This substance can cause experiences more bizarre than anything you could ever imagine.
Why choose Salvia over other psychedelics?
Salvia Divinorum…
Long-term benefits & side effects
Many of the benefits will only occur if you follow the tips below.
Most (if not all) of the side effects are preventable and they will not happen if you follow the Safety checklist.
Salvia Divinorum…
How to take Salvia
The best methods to take Salvia Divinorum include smoking, chewing, and using a tincture.
Each of these methods will affect you differently.
Technically, you could also vaporize the drug but you would need an extremely accurate scale and this method could be dangerous.
Salvia is not orally active so eating it wouldn’t cause you anything.
You can either smoke the dried leaves or an extract.
The method is going to be the same but an extract contains more Salvinorin A, which is the active chemical. More on this in the Dosage section.
Either smoke Salvia with a pipe or in a bong with cold water.
Hold the smoke in your lungs for as long as possible.
Chewing (quiding) is the recommended method. It will lead to a longer and gentler experience.
You can either use fresh leaves or dried leaves. If you go with dried leaves, rehydrate them before you put them in your mouth.
Roll your leaves into a ball, put the ball under your tongue and chew it for at least 30 minutes. Then spit it out.
If you use this method, the effects will last for longer but they will be significantly weaker.
Tinctures also contain ethyl alcohol that will cause you pain when you put it in your mouth. Because of that, it is recommended to dilute the tincture with warm water (1:1 tincture:water).
Even if you dilute the tincture, it can still be painful.
If you still want to use a tincture, keep it under your tongue for 30 minutes, then spit it out.

Whichever route of administration you choose, it is strongly recommended to start with a low dose and build your way up.
Some people are more sensitive than others while some will need higher doses to notice any effects.
The doses below are displayed for dried leaves. If you smoke an extract, multiply them by that number (if your extract is 10x, divide the grams by 10)
Extracts can vary in potency from one vendor to another so if you can, use dried leaves instead. They are also easier to dose properly.
If you are going to smoke pure Salvinorin A:
The doses below are displayed for dried leaves. If you are going to chew fresh leaves, multiply the doses by 5
Safety checklist

Also, if you have no experience with psychedelics, don’t jump right away into taking salvia. Start with less intense substances, such as LSD or magic mushrooms.
Maximize the benefits

Keep in mind that integration is even more important than the trip itself. Taking psychedelics would be useless if you didn’t retain any lessons in your day-to-day life.
What will help you the most is contemplating about the experience – be it by journaling, thinking about the trip, or sharing your memories with a trusted friend.
Distracting thoughts can get in the way, which is why you want to spend the day after your trip without TV, social media, and other distractions.
If you can, spend time in silence and solitude. Meditate, go for a walk, contemplate the experience.

Onset = 0.5-3 minutes
Duration = 5-20 minutes
After-effects = 30-60 minutes
Onset = 10-20 minutes
Duration = 30-90 minutes
After-effects = 30-90 minutes
What salvia feels like
At light doses, you will become more relaxed, present, self-aware and the colors around you will become brighter.
At regular doses, you will get strong and realistic closed-eye visuals: geometric and fractal patterns, tunnel visions, etc. You may also hear voices and encounter stranger beings.
It is not uncommon to turn into an object or live a life of another being on this dose. Sometimes, people feel like they’ve been living a different life on salvia for months or even years. That is because time will almost inevitably get distorted.
You may feel sounds, hear the light, smell abstract objects… Litterally anything you can or can’t imagine is what can happen on salvia.
At high doses, you will completely lose sense of your body or the physical reality. It is common to merge with God and universal consciousness. The trip may get so intense that you will not be able to recall anything once you become sober.
The psychedelic affects each individual differently and no two trips are the same. Therefore, there is virtually no way to know what your trip will feel like.
Also, most of these experiences are impossible to describe through human language.
The only way to truly know what salvia feels like is to try it.
Beware that the trips don’t always feel pleasant. Not at all. Salvia is dysphoric and the majority of people who try it don’t want to do it again.
Bad trips
Bad trips are more common than on almost any other psychedelic substance. Even if you do everything right, you may still have an unpleasant experience.
A “bad” trip isn’t always bad though, it can actually be the most healing and insightful moment of your life.
During a “bad” trip, negative emotions are coming up from your subconscious mind. They have always been there whether you are aware of it or not. They have been ruining your life and a difficult trip is an opportunity to process these traumas and unpleasant feelings and let go of them.
So instead of calling bad trips bad, call them challenging.
What leads to a bad trip
The most common reasons for getting a bad trip are:
But again – even if you do everything correctly, you can still have a terrifying experience on salvia so prepare yourself for that.
How to cope with a bad trip
How to end a bad trip
In case you are not ready to face your inner demons yet, there are a few ways to end a bad trip.
If the trip becomes extremely challenging and there is no one around you to keep you safe, consider ending your trip with a trip killer.
Using a trip killer usually is not the best idea because the bad emotions will stay unresolved and you will get little to no benefits from the experience. With that said, using a trip killer is smarter than harming yourself.
The 2 best options that you have for ending a bad trip are Phenibut and benzodiazepines. Phenibut is generally safer but it can take a few hours to kick in and end your trip.
To end a trip, use benzodiazepines. But again, only do it if there is no other way.

*Since this map was created, some other countries decided to ban salvia.*
Red = Illegal
Orange = Decriminalized
Green = Prohibited to minors
Where to get Salvia Divinorum
These are the ways you can get your hands on Salvia Divinorum, ranked from the safest to the least safe:
Thank you for taking psychedelics responsibly, immature psychonauts are the last thing the psychedelic movement needs.
And thank you for being a part of this renaissance. Together, we can change the world!