TrippyWiki score: 6.2/10

What is MiPLA?
MiPLA is a rare LSD analog that was discovered by Albert Hofmann. The drug has little to no visuals and is described by its users as more euphoric and empathogenic than other lysergamides. The great Ann Shulgin once said that MiPLA is “better than the great Lucy (LSD).”
Why choose MiPLA over other psychedelics?
Long-term benefits & side effects
Unfortunately, we know very little about the drug, so most of the benefits and side effects are purely speculation.
Many of the benefits will only occur if you follow the tips below.
Most (if not all) of the side effects are preventable and they will not happen if you follow the Safety checklist.
How to take MiPLA
MiPLA is most commonly sold on a blotter. You can either swallow the substance or let it dissolve on your tongue.
Always test your blotter with a Marquis Reagent Testing Kit because 25I-NBOMe can be sold as MiPLA and it can be extremely dangerous even in a tiny amount. If the blotter turns brown when tested, that means the blotter contains some form of NBOMe or NBOH and you should trash it.
If you are not willing to test the substance, swallow it without letting it stay on your tongue. If you do so, NBOMe and NBOH drugs should not affect you to nearly the same extent because they do not absorb well in the stomach while most lysergamides do.
If you stick the tab under your tongue, the drug will dissolve a little faster and it will take slightly less time to notice the effects. This is especially the case if you eat food before your trip.

Since we don’t have much data on MiPLA, these doses could be wrong. Always start with a low dose!
Do not take a strong dose if you don’t have a trip sitter nearby.
High doses can cause you to reach a breakthrough where you lose sense of the physical world. You will become so conscious that you will “go unconscious.”
The last thing you want is to start lying unconscious on a street or in a club. Keep in mind that the higher the dose you take, the more important it is to be in a safe environment.
Some people are more sensitive than others. Some individuals can take 600 µg and feel nothing while some can experience ego dissolution at 100 µg. Finding the best dose may require some experimentation.
Equivalents for 100 µg of MiPLA
The effects of the psychedelics below are not the same as the effects of MiPLA. This chart only compares the intensity of each substance. These numbers are also just estimates since we don’t have a lot of data on MiPLA
MiPLA | 100 µg |
LSD | 50 µg |
Dry Mushrooms | 0.7 grams |
Mescaline | 100 mg |
Moringa Glory (LSA) | 70 seeds |
HWB (LSA) | 3 seeds |
1P-LSD | 50 µg |
ETH-LAD | 35 µg |
AL-LAD | 55 µg |
ALD-52 | 55 µg |
LSZ | 60 µg |
25I-NBOMe | 300 µg (can be dangerous!) |
4-AcO DMT | 7 mg |
4-HO MET | 8 mg |
Safety checklist

Maximize the benefits

Keep in mind that integration is even more important than the trip itself. Taking psychedelics would be almost useless if you didn’t retain any lessons in your day-to-day life.
What will help you the most is contemplating about the experience – be it by journaling, thinking about the trip, or sharing your memories with a trusted friend.
Distracting thoughts can get in the way, which is why you want to spend the day after your trip without TV, social media, and other distractions.
If you can, spend time in silence and solitude. Meditate, go for a walk, contemplate the experience.
Should you listen to music on MiPLA?
Music can make the trip more pleasant and greatly increase the benefits. That is why it is used in most psychotherapy sessions.
Not all music is created equal. Listening to N.W.A. and 2Pac would usually be counterproductive. Even positive, relaxing music with lyrics can sometimes be a distraction.
If you decide to listen to music on psychedelics, choose calm, classical music with little to no lyrics.
This playlist used in Johns Hopkins psilocybin studies is proven to be extremely effective:
Roland Griffiths, the author of this playlist, went over hundreds of great uplifting and therapeutic songs and only chose the best of the best based on how his patients responded to the music.
The music should be loud enough so you can hear it clearly but not unpleasantly loud. If you can, play it in your headphones.

Onset = 20-40 minutes
Come up = 45-90 minutes
Peak = 1-2 hours
Come down = 1-2 hours
What does MiPLA feel like?
Users report the experience as less visual than LSD (around 30% as visual).
Some say that MiPLA has empathogenic properties that are comparable to MDMA. Many users say they felt more euphoric on their MiPLA trip than on any other lysergamide.
A MiPLA body high is also comparable to the body high people get on MDMA.
MiPLA gives you a light headspace and lacks the potency of LSD.
Common short-term effects include:
Increased creativity and open-mindedness
Mindfulness, being present
Higher capability for love and compassion
Pain relief
Feeling one with all that is
Seeing life from a different perspective
Appreciating small things
Higher energy
Increased awareness
Stamina enhancement
Feeling your emotions more intensely
Memory suppression
Time distortion
Inability to sleep
Visual effects (enhanced colors, seeing patterns in everything, distortions, …)
Getting stuck in a thought loop
Inability to focus
Increased body temperature
Increased heart rate
Worse thermoregulation
Difficulty urinating
Anxiety, paranoia
The higher dose you take, the more intense these effects will be.
With that said, it is impossible to accurately describe the experience through human language.
The psychedelic affects each individual differently and no two trips are the same. Therefore, there is virtually no way to know what your trip will feel like.
The only way to truly know what MiPLA feels like is to try it.
MiPLA will most likely give you a pleasant experience. Bad trips can happen but you can prevent them by following the tips below.
Bad trips
Bad trips mostly happen because people take the substance irresponsibly. If you take this psychedelic the right way, there is virtually no chance you’ll get a bad trip.
In case you still do, that’s good! A “bad” trip isn’t bad, it can actually be the most healing and insightful moment of your life!
During a “bad” trip, negative emotions are coming up from your subconscious mind. They have always been there whether you are aware of it or not. They have been damaging your life and a difficult trip is an opportunity to process these traumas and unpleasant feelings and let go of them.
The more painful the experience, the more you can heal.
So instead of calling bad trips bad, call them challenging.
If you understand that bad trips are awesome in the long run, not only will you feel more comfortable diving into these challenging states, it will actually excite you!
Why they happen
The most common reasons for getting a bad trip are:
How to cope with a bad trip
How to end a bad trip
In case you are not ready to face your inner demons yet, there are a few ways to end a bad trip.
One possible way is to put on music that is familiar to you. Another way is to switch up your location and move from one place to another. This can completely change your train of thought.
In case the trip becomes extremely challenging and there is no one around you to keep you safe, consider ending your trip with a trip killer.
Using a trip killer usually is not the best idea because the bad emotions will stay unresolved and you will get little to no benefits from the experience. With that said, using a trip killer is smarter than harming yourself.
The 2 best options that you have for ending a bad trip are Phenibut and benzodiazepines.
Phenibut is generally safer. The downside is that it can take hours to kick in.
So to end a trip, use benzodiazepines but only do this if you completely have to.
As of 2021, there is no country where MiPLA is illegal.
However, in the US, you may get arrested for possessing or taking MiPLA because of the Federal Analogue Act (since MiPLA is an analog of LSD, which is a banned substance).
Where to get MiPLA
These are the ways you can get your hands on the psychedelic, ranked from the safest to the least safe:
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Thank you for taking psychedelics responsibly, immature psychonauts are the last thing the psychedelic movement needs.
And thank you for being a part of this renaissance. Together, we can change the world!