TrippyWiki score: 3.6/10
What is Ephenidine?
Ephenidine is a dissociative substance of the diarylethylamine class. The drug causes similar effects to those of O-PCE, 3-MeO PCP, and other PCP/PCE related drugs. It also shares some similarities with ketamine and other dissociatives. It was invented as a replacement for more popular MXE and is extremely similar to MXM. The main difference between Ephenidine and MXE is that Ephenidine tends to be more sedative and less stimulating, while allowing you to stay more “functional” during the drip.
Long-term benefits & side effects
Many of the benefits will only occur if you take this substance the right way.
Some of the side effects are preventable if you follow the harm reduction practices below.
How to take Ephenidine
Since Ephenidine is taken in relatively small amounts, you need to use an extremely accurate, 0.001g scale.
You can either take the substance intramuscularly, intravenously, orally, vaporize it, or snort it.
Most users prefer snorting Ephenidine. The drug is then more stimulating and euphoric. It also kicks in faster than if you were to take Ephenidine orally.
Those who snort Ephenidine tend to become addicted to it more often and are more likely to redose compulsively.
You can take the substance sublingually or rectally as well. This route leads to an even faster onset.
The drug can also be swallowed. When taken orally, Ephenidine is more dissociative and less stimulating than with other routes.
Interestingly, the higher the dose you take, the less it matters which route of administration you chose as far as the effects of the drug.

High doses are not recommended since they can lead to mania and psychosis. This is not nearly as likely to happen as with most PCP/PCE related dissociatives, but the possibility is real. Never take such a high dose if you value your mental health.
Never start with a strong dose. You may be more sensitive to the substance than others and it might cause you irreversible damage if you don’t take it responsibly.
Those who need less of the substance to reach desired effects include older and extremely lean people.
Since tolerance to Ephenidine is developed rather quickly, you want to wait for at least 1-2 weeks between dosing. Otherwise, you would need a higher dose to reach the desired outcome.
Safety checklist

Maximize the benefits

Keep in mind that integration is even more important than the trip itself. Taking the drug would be almost useless if you didn’t retain any lessons in your day-to-day life.
What will help you the most is contemplating about the experience – be it by journaling, thinking about the trip, or sharing your memories with a trusted friend.
Distracting thoughts can get in the way, which is why you want to spend the day after your trip without TV, social media, and other distractions.
If you can, spend time in silence and solitude. Meditate, go for a walk, contemplate the experience.

Onset = 10-30 minutes
Come up = 45-90 minutes
Peak = 2-3 hours
Come down = 2-3 hours
What does Ephenidine feel like?
The effects of Ephenidine are almost identical to MXM and comparable to those of MXE. There also are similarities between other dissociatives, such as ketamine and 3-MeO PCP.
The main difference between Ephenidine and MXM is that the warmth and euphoria sometimes leaves your body faster on Ephenidine.
Ephenidine is less stimulating than most drugs from the PCP/PCE family but it is less stimulating than MXE.
Compared to MXE, Ephenidine gives you a different body high and allows you to stay more “functional”, which means you can still do daily tasks on lower doses.
Ephenidine is less likely to throw you into psychosis or mania than PCP and its relatives, although it can happen if you use the drug more than once a week.
Ketamine is more psychedelic than Ephenidine while Ephenidine is more predictable and more enjoyable for most people.
MXE is more ketamine-like than Ephenidine. Ephenidine gives you less anxiety but there is also less therapeutic potential because the drug doesn’t allow you to process your trauma as effectively.
At high doses, Ephenidine can cause hallucinations that are less predictable than with most psychedelics or dissociatives.
As a dissociative, Ephenidine can detach you from your body, senses, and environment. You may feel like you’re controlling your body from a distance (similarly to playing a 3rd person video game).
At high doses, you may also enter the K-hole. When that happens, you will not be conscious of your body but with Ephenidine, you may still be able to move around so never take a high dose in an unsafe environment!
Memory loss is a common effect. This can be pleasant because you’ll forget about your struggles, but it can also make you anxious since you may not remember where you are or that you’ve taken Ephenidine.
Other common short-term effects include:
Increased creativity and open-mindedness
Mindfulness, being present
Higher capability for love and compassion
Pain relief
Memory suppression
Anesthetic effects
Visual effects (typically weak and unpredictable)
Distortions of size, shape, and distance
Inability to talk
Increased body pressure
Worse thermoregulation
Difficulty urinating
Anxiety, paranoia
The higher dose you take, the more intense these effects will be. This especially applies to the dissociative effects.
Your past experiences with drugs also play a big role in the effects of Ephenidine.
With all this said, it is impossible to accurately describe the experience through human language.
Bad trips can happen but you can partially prevent them by following the tips below.
Ephenidine rarely causes a withdrawal. If you take the drug on a regular basis, some withdrawal symptoms may occur but they will be mild.
It is, however, common to feel altered for up to 24 hours after you’ve taken Ephenidine, especially when you take a high dose.
You may experience insomnia and find it hard to fall asleep.
Cognitive impairment, numbness, and impaired vision can also stick for over a day after taking the drug. Do not drive if you don’t feel 100% sober!
Many users get a pleasant afterglow when the drug wears off. They feel better and their depression can disappear for a few days, sometimes even weeks.
Bad trips
Bad trips mostly happen because people take the substance irresponsibly. If you take this drug the right way, there is a much lower chance you’ll get a bad trip but it still can happen.
In case you take Ephenidine responsibly and you still get a bad trip, there is a positive side to that.
During a “bad” trip, negative emotions are coming up from your subconscious mind. They have always been there whether you are aware of it or not. They have been damaging your life and a difficult trip is an opportunity to process these traumas and unpleasant feelings and let go of them.
So instead of calling bad trips bad, call them challenging.
Why they happen
The most common reasons for getting a bad trip are:
How to cope with a bad trip
How to end a bad trip
In case you are not ready to face your inner demons yet, there are a few ways to end a bad trip.
One possible way is to put on music that is familiar to you. Another way is to switch up your location and move from one place to another. This can completely change your train of thought.
As of 2021, Ephenidine is illegal in most countries of the world.
In some European countries, you may be able to buy the drug for “chemical research” purposes. You cannot consume it legally but whether or not anyone cares is a different story.
In many countries, you can own a small amount of the substance for personal use without getting in legal trouble.
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